Siroco Capital, S.C.R., S.A is an investment fund that invests in electricity production plants using renewable sources located in Spain, especially in wind farms and photovoltaic solar plants. It focuses on plants in operation, minimizing development and construction risks.
The current portfolio
Colladetes Wind farms: | El Perelló (Tarragona) |
Installed capacity: | 35,64 MW |
Number of wind turbines: | 54 Gamesa G47 de 660 KW |
Beginning operations: | Year 1999 |
Participation of Siroco: | 29% |
Investment date: | July and December 2016 |
El Conjuro Wind farm: | Motril and Gualchos (Granada) |
Installed capacity: | 13,6 MW |
Number of wind turbines: | 16 Gamesa G58 de 850 KW |
Beginning operations: | Year 2006 |
Participation: | 100% |
Investment: | December 2016 |
Cañoneras Wind farm: | Soba (Cantabria) |
Installed capacity: | 32,3 MW |
Number of wind turbines: | 38 Gamesa G58 de 850 KW |
Beginning operations: | Year 2007 y 2010 |
Participation: | 22,2% |
Investment: | December 2017 |
Cerro de la Atalaya Wind farm: | Cadrete (Zaragoza) |
Installed capacity: | 1,67 MW |
Number of wind turbines: | 1 General Electric ECO 80 de 1.670 KW |
Beginning operations: | Year 2008 |
Participation: | 89,5% |
Investment: | December 2017 and January 2018 |
Wind farm Castríos: | Espinosa de los Monteros (Burgos) |
Installed capacity: | 26,4 MW |
Number of wind turbines: | 24 Made AE-61 de 1.100 KW |
Beginning operations: | Year 2006 |
Participation: | 20% |
Investment: | November 2018 |
Wind farm Zorraquín: | Villaciervos (Soria) |
Installed capacity: | 12 MW |
Number of wind turbines: | 6 Gamesa G87 2.000W |
Beginning operations: | Year 2009 |
Participation: | 34% |
Investment: | January 2019 |
Parque eólico Campo Alta y La Costana: | Campoo de Yuso (Cantabria) |
Installed capacity: | 50 MW |
Beginning operations: | Expected 2023 |
Participation: | 7,2% |
Investment: | November 2018 |
Photovoltaic solar plant: | Manzanares (Ciudad Real) |
Installed power: | 5 MW |
Start-Up: | 2022 |
Participation: | 90% |
Investment: | November 2019 |
Photovoltaic solar plant: | Valdegrudas (Guadalajara) |
Power to install: | 19,3 MW |
Beginning operations: | Expected 2022 |
Participation: | 95% |
Investment: | November 2019 |
Parque eolico Peñarroldana, Hierro y Montamarta: | Santa Eufemia del Barco (Zamora) |
Installed capacity: | 80 MW |
Beginning operations: | Expected 2009 |
Participation: | 5% |
Investment: | October 2020 |
Parque eólico Monte Arca: | A Estrada (Pontevedra) |
Installed capacity: | 6 MW |
No. of wind turbines: | 3 Gamesa G87 de 2.000 KW |
Beginning operations: | Ayearño 2009 |
Participation of Siroco Capital: | 10,80% |
Investment date: | July 2022 |
Parque eólico Ampliación La Plata: | Villarubia de Santiago (Toledo) |
Installed capacity: | 6,8 MW |
No. of wind turbines: | 8 Gamesa G88 de 850 KW |
Beginning operations: | year 2007 |
Participation of Siroco Capital: | 10,80% |
Investment date: | July 2022 |
*Click the location to see our investments.
1. EÓLICA 2000, S.L: Soba (Cantabria)
Cañoneras Wind farm
Installed capacity: 32,3 MW
Number of wind turbines: 38 Gamesa G58 de 850 KW
Beginning operations: Year 2007 y 2010
Participation: 22,2%
Investment: December 2017
2. CASTRÍOS S.A.: Espinosa de los Monteros (Burgos)
Wind farm Castríos
Installed capacity: 26,4 MW
Number of wind turbines: 24 Made AE-61 de 1.100 KW
Beginning operations: Year 2006
Participation: 20%
Investment: November 2018
3. EÓLICA DE ZORRAQUIN, S.L: Villaciervos (Soria)
Wind farm Zorraquín
Installed capacity: 12 MW
Number of wind turbines: 6 Gamesa G87 2.000W
Beginning operations: Year 2009
Participation: 34%
Investment: January 2019
4. LAS NAVARRICAS DE BORDÓN, S.L.: Cadrete (Zaragoza)
Cerro de la Atalaya Wind farm
Installed capacity: 1,67 MW
Number of wind turbines: 1 General Electric ECO 80 1.670 KW
Beginning operations: Year 2008
Participation: 89,5%
Investment: December 2017 and january 2018
5. ENERVENT, S.A.: El Perelló (Tarragona)
Colladetes I Wind farms
Installed capacity: 35,64 MW
Number of wind turbines: 54 Gamesa G47 de 660 KW
Beginning operations: Year 1999
Participation: 29%
Investment: July and December 2016
6. EÓLICA EL CONJURO, S.L.: Motril y Gualchos (Granada)
El Conjuro Wind farm
Installed capacity: 13,6 MW
Number of wind turbines: 16 Gamesa G58 de 850 KW
Beginning operations: Year 2006
Participation: 100%
Investment: December 2016
7. FOTOVOLTAICA LAS MOTILLAS, S.L.: Manzanares (Ciudad Real)
Intalled Power: 5MW
Start-up: 2022
Participation: 90%
Investment: November 2019
8. APOLO FOTOVOLTAICA, S.L.: Valdegrudas (Guadalajara)
Power to install: 19,3 MW
Beginning operations: Expected 2023
Participation: 95%
Investment: November 2019
9. INICIATIVAS EÓLICAS DE CANTABRIA, S.L.: Campoo de Yuso (Cantabria)
Parque eólico Campo Alta y La Costana
Installed capacity: 50 MW
Beginning operations: Expected 2023
Participation: 7,2%
Investment: November 2018
10.PARQUE EÓLICO PEÑARROLDANA, S.L.: Santa Eufemia del Barco (Zamora)
Parque eolico Peñarroldana, Hierro y Montamarta
Installed capacity: 80 MW
Beginning operations: 2009
Participation: 5%
Investment: October 2020
11. TAIGA TRES, S.L. "Monte Arca": A Estrada (Pontevedra)
Parque eólico Monte Arca
Installed capacity: 6 MW
Number of wind turbines: 3 Gamesa G87 of 2.000 KW
Beginning operations: 2009
Participation: 10,80 %
Investment: July 2022
12. TAIGA TRES, S.L. "Ampliación La Plata": Villarubia de Santiago (Toledo)
Parque eólico Ampliación La Plata
Installed capacity: 6,8 MW
Number of wind turbines: 8 Gamesa G58 of 850 KW
Beginning operations: 2007
Participation: 10,80 %
Investment: July 2022
By resolution of the Board of Directors of ‘SIROCO CAPITAL, S.C.R., S.A.’ (the ‘Company’), the shareholders are hereby summoned to the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company to be held at its registered office, located in Barcelona, Passatge de la Concepció, no. 7-9, 1a, 08008, on 20 June 2024, at 12:00 noon, on first call.