Siroco Capital, S.C.R., S.A is an investment fund that invests in electricity production plants using renewable sources located in Spain, especially in wind farms and photovoltaic solar plants. It focuses on plants in operation, minimizing development and construction risks.
Established in April 2005, Siroco is managed by Talenta Gestión, S.G.I.I., S.A. Talenta is a financial institution that provides financial and investment advice to private and institutional investors.
Furthermore, Talenta is specialized in investment in non traditional assets, such as private equity and alternative investments.
Ignacio Moreno
Counselor and Director
Previously has been a partner of “Linqventure” (Corporate Finance), founder, member of the Board and Managing Director of “Fersa Energías Renovables”, Director of corporate banking at “Fibanc”, Director of private banking and financial analyst at “Beta Capital”, financial analyst at GVC (Stock Exchange Company) and commercial banking at “Citibank”.
Ignacio Moreno
Counselor and Director
Previously has been a partner of “Linqventure” (Corporate Finance), founder, member of the Board and Managing Director of “Fersa Energías Renovables”, Director of corporate banking at “Fibanc”, Director of private banking and financial analyst at “Beta Capital”, financial analyst at GVC (Stock Exchange Company) and commercial banking at “Citibank”.
Francesc Roig
Operations Director
Previously has been Operations Manager at “Fersa Energías Renovables”, Technical Director at “AERTA” and “AERE” (evacuation infrastructures of several wind farms in Cataluña for 450 MW), Technical Director at “Eolic Partners” (promoter of wind farms in Germany and Spain).